This blog contains some notes for using bash command. I’m writing them here in an “aid-sheet” style. This could also be a concise, elementary tutorial into bash. I’ll group them into following sections.
- File system navigation (cd, ls, cat, du, df)
- Playing around with variables
Remote working
- Connect to remote computer (ssh, sftp, wget, curl)
- Compress / uncompress files (dpkg, tar, zip)
- Run programs remotely (chmod, nohup, &, &&)
Processing data
- For loop, sed, find, grep, piping
Goal | Command |
Read the manual of command command_name |
man command_name |
Find the command for a specific purpose | Search for it online |
For any command mentioned below, you can refer to a comprehensive documentation at man <command_name>
. This blog can only provide a very short description, for easiness of memorization. The man
page is the textbook, while this blog is at most an aid-sheet.
1. Navigating your filesystem
Goal | Command |
To navigate to your home folder | cd ~/ |
To navigate to the previous directory | cd - |
Create a folder with name myname |
mkdir myname |
View all items in current folder | ls |
View, and with information including permissions, file sizes | ls -l |
View, while making the file sizes human readable | ls -lh |
View the size of the current folder | du |
View, while making the file sizes human readable | du -h |
Check file system space usage | df |
View the content of the file myfile.txt |
cat myfile.txt |
View the contents of files myfile1.txt … myfile3.txt |
cat myfile[1-3].txt |
View the contents of all files under current directory matching regular expression myfile*.txt |
cat myfile*.txt |
Write them to mylog.txt while overwriting this txt file |
cat myfile*.txt > mylog.txt |
Append them to the end of ~/.bashrc |
cat myfile*.txt >> mylog.txt |
2. Playing around with variables
Goal | Command |
To view the value of variable JAVA_HOME |
echo $JAVA_HOME |
Evaluate the value of bash_command , and print it out |
echo $bash_command |
To change the value of variable JAVA_HOME to /usr/local/java |
JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java |
To change it at startup (i.e., append to ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile ) |
echo "JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java" >> ~/.bashrc |
To change it via a script |
source (Shouldn’t use sh since that creates another shell, which has its own set of environment variables.) |
Remote working
3. Working with a remote computer: ssh, sftp, wget, curl
Goal | Command |
To establish an ssh connection | ssh <username>@<address> -p <port_number> |
To establish an sftp connection to your directory | sftp -P <port_number> <username>@<address>:<directory> |
(during an sftp connection) Download txt files with file name starting with test_ |
get test_*.txt |
To download an object with wget from url https://somewhere/something.tar.gz |
wget https://somewhere/something.tar.gz |
To submit GET request with curl |
curl https://somwehre |
To submit a POST request with curl |
curl --data "name1=value1&name2=value2" https://somewhere |
4. Zipping with tar, gzip, zip
Goal | Command |
To extract (-x ) the .tar.gz file here, verbose (-v ) |
tar -xzvf something.tar.gz |
To create (-c ) .tar.gz file |
tar -czvf something.tar.gz myfile1.txt |
To extract the tar file |
tar -xvf something.tar.gz |
To create a file into tar file |
tar -cvf something.tar myfile1.txt |
To unzip the .zip file |
unzip |
To zip files matching regexp myfile[1-3].txt into myzip |
zip myzip myfile[1-3].txt |
5. Run a program
Goal | Command |
Make the file runnable |
chmod +x |
Run command in the current process | ./ |
Run it as a child process of current process (i.e., will be killed when you log out) | ./ & |
Run it, but without it being killed, and write stdout to your_log.out |
nohup ./ > your_log.out & |
Run multiple commands using AND operator (i.e., && ) |
command1 && command2 |
Input prepared stdin data | < |
Processing data
For loop
Goal | Command |
Loop over an array and print the values | for i in {1,3,5}; do echo $i; done |
Loop over a range and print the values | for i in {1..5}; do echo $i; done |
grep, pipe, sed, find
Goal | Command |
Display all .txt files under current directory |
ls | grep *.txt |
Display files, but applying multiple grep filters |
ls | grep |
Count the number of txt files |
ls | grep *.txt | wc -l |
Display only (-o ) the numerical values from the variable output |
echo $output | grep -oE [0-9] |
Replace, in-place (-i ) <regex> to “Content” of the file |
sed -i "s/<regex>/Content/" |
Find a file under current directory by filename | find . -name <regex> |
Find content in directory dirname recursively (-R ), with line number (-n ), case-insensitive (-i ) containing CrossEntropy |
grep CrossEntropy dirname -iRn |